I must admit, learning from Zinn and Pirandello is not the easiest thing, even for eighth grade. That's why for a fourth grader, it will be even tricker. However, I believe anyone can learn anything...just in different ways. To the fellow fourth graders out in the world:
Have you ever had a time when your parents told you to "never say never" or "eat your veggies...you'll like broccoli, don't worry" or "be nice to your siblings." This may have happened when you were in kindergarten or even now. But you never actually thought about this action. You just kind of didn't do it because your parents told you not to do it and you think..."well...they are my parent." So you eat your vegetables and are automatically nice to your siblings. But later on, you realize that "oh my god...this totally isn't me. I HATE BROCCOLI!!" Here's the thing: everyone has personal taste. Some people like cats and others like dogs. So if you don't like broccoli, you don't like it. You may still have to eat it but it doesn't mean you like it, like other people told you.
Seeing as you are in elementary school and have not yet entered the realm of drama...don't worry, it's not that bad, but has there ever been a time when your friend told you not to do something because "that's not cool..." Don't listen to them. If you like what you are doing, do it...unless it is killing someone...in which case, there's a problem. Peer pressure. Self esteem. All things you have started to learn.
Another thing Pirandello can teach you:
The truth. In the story of "War," the fat traveler got hit in the face with the truth...his only son as dead. DEAD! Haven't you ever put up a curtain of pretty, sparkly unicorns when in real life, you're trapped in your room because you hit your little brother. You think...I didn't do anything wrong. Come on! He started it! But in real life, you did hurt someone and it was not right.
So in the end...it turns out...history can teach a lot. GASP! So all you fellow fourth graders, keep learning and don't start complaining when your teacher tells you to take out your textbooks. You might...learn...A LOT!!!
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