Assimilation and Hidden. Two words that describe Pirandello's primary source. Yep you guessed it..."WAR!!" What a shocker!
The dictionary give the word assimilation as: (noun) - the act or process of taking in and incorporating as one's own. So how does this relate to the lonely primary source? Well in the story, everyone was told to do one thing...mostly by the traveler with the dead son. Once again, he said not to grieve any of their children...not that they don't deserve the love, they just don't need the tears. So all of the parents became assimilated and all morphed into the same thing. They all did what they were told to do...felt what they were told to felt. Those parents didn't know that they all have different feelings. Don't you ever have that? You know you have something jumping inside of you...a certain feeling trying to get out but you're just supposed to feel happy because it's your dad's birthday or sad because your friend just broke their arm. Well that's what happened in the primary source...get it?
Next word. Hidden. It's given as a (adjective) - concealed, obscure, covert. In this source, the truth was hidden. The truth that death never dies down, death never becomes good, death is just death and no one can say or do ANYTHING to make it look better. But the fat traveler attempted to do that. He put this veil on the ugly truth that death just hides people from the bad side in life. That it isn't worth all the tears because people died from trying to fight for their country. Suddenly, like a band aid, one of the women just says..."he's dead" and in a way, you know she's kind of saying..."face it, man! You're in denial!!!" So yes, this source hides everything until the last minute which is why hidden can describe it in a good way.
Sooooo yeeaaahhh....go out and describe literature in any way you can. It's a lot of...umm...fun!!! Really...try it. :) You'll learn a lot.
The dictionary give the word assimilation as: (noun) - the act or process of taking in and incorporating as one's own. So how does this relate to the lonely primary source? Well in the story, everyone was told to do one thing...mostly by the traveler with the dead son. Once again, he said not to grieve any of their children...not that they don't deserve the love, they just don't need the tears. So all of the parents became assimilated and all morphed into the same thing. They all did what they were told to do...felt what they were told to felt. Those parents didn't know that they all have different feelings. Don't you ever have that? You know you have something jumping inside of you...a certain feeling trying to get out but you're just supposed to feel happy because it's your dad's birthday or sad because your friend just broke their arm. Well that's what happened in the primary source...get it?
Next word. Hidden. It's given as a (adjective) - concealed, obscure, covert. In this source, the truth was hidden. The truth that death never dies down, death never becomes good, death is just death and no one can say or do ANYTHING to make it look better. But the fat traveler attempted to do that. He put this veil on the ugly truth that death just hides people from the bad side in life. That it isn't worth all the tears because people died from trying to fight for their country. Suddenly, like a band aid, one of the women just says..."he's dead" and in a way, you know she's kind of saying..."face it, man! You're in denial!!!" So yes, this source hides everything until the last minute which is why hidden can describe it in a good way.
Sooooo yeeaaahhh....go out and describe literature in any way you can. It's a lot of...umm...fun!!! Really...try it. :) You'll learn a lot.
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